In 1998 SPIGGLE & THEIS was the first company world-wide introducing titanium middle ear implants with removable heads.
The idea behind this development was a clear reduction in storage space. Prior to this, to cover all eventualities, every possible length of partial and total implants, had to be held in storage. This meant that a stock of 18 implants was always necessary for the range between 3.00 - 7.50 mm in TORPs and 2.00 - 5.50 mm in PORPs, with a subdivision every 0.5 mm.
Instead of having to store 1-2 pieces of each PORP- and TORP-size, this system makes it possible that just 4 implants can cover the size spectrum mentioned above. Thus creating a considerable reduction in both costs and the storage space required.
Mentionable is that shortening doesn't produce any sharp corners or edges, because the shortened end is always buried inside the particular counterpart.